Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crack Couch

A while ago, I was playing a super fun game with Lyla. She would shove my bracelets between the cushions of the couch and I would pull them out. Totally entertaining to a one-year-old. Well the last time she stuck them between the cushions, they just disappeared. I pulled all the cushions off and look under the couch but they were gone. We decided to tip the couch on its back and see if they would fall out. When that didn't work either, we sliced the fabric on the bottom of the couch, and as you can see, we found a whole lot more than bracelets. Some of those toys had been missing for probably a year, and I just assumed they were gone forever. Milee thought it was so hilarious and deemed our couch the "Crack Couch."

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